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Private Pool

Vinyl-Lined Indoor Pool

The private home was designed by Maschio architects and INOX SERVIS prepared the design documents for the pool equipment of an indoor liner pool in 2015. The project was completed in 2016. This is a swimming pool with skimmer, which has a special DLW delifol pool liner in blue colour on the inside of the pool tank. The pool dimensions are 6.65 m x 3 m and its depth lies between 1.2 m- and 1.8m. The pool water treatment is based on a chlorine-free OXY combi disinfection, which prevents the growth of algae in the pool water at the same time. The main attraction of the pool is an air bubbler and massage jet. The pleasant atmosphere of the pool is topped off with colour underwater LED lights. The pool cover is designed as an automatic underwater transparent roller cover, having its mechanism concealed in a niche not to interfere with the pure design of the pool and the pool hall. The pool area and surrounding areas have special moisture-resistant wooden poolside deck tiles.
